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"Azərbaycanın böyük neft və qaz sərvətlərinə malik olması
bizim xalqımızın xoşbəxtliyidir"

Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyev

20 January – day of national mourning

26 years have passed since the tragedy of January 20th 1990 had took place. This date known as a tragic point of Azerbaijani people heroic struggle for independence and territorial integrity of the country.

At the night from 19 to 20 January 1990, former USSR government has committed cruel action in Baku. Army troops were entered20yanvar002 the city and, using tanks and armored vehicles, performed horrible massacre towards the civilians, which took the streets of Baku to protest against aggressive actions of Armenia and Soviet Union leaders patronized it.

This date will forever remain in memory of the Azerbaijani people as a day of national mourning. Every year hundreds of thousands people visit The Alley of Martyrs to pay homage and respect to the brave sons and daughters of Azerbaijan who laid down their lifes in the struggle for freedom and independence of their homeland. Ages will pass but the memory of these heroes will live in our hearts forever.
