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"Azərbaycanın böyük neft və qaz sərvətlərinə malik olması
bizim xalqımızın xoşbəxtliyidir"

Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyev

March 1st marked the second Tuesday of Novruz – the Fire Tuesday

March 1st marked the second Tuesday of Novruz – the Fire Tuesday. The Fire Tuesday is associated with worshipping the Sun, the fire. Since ancient times the Turks regarded the fire as a power giving life to nature, to soil, dispossessing evil spirits and burning all miseries.

People believe that if they cherish the Sun, its symbol on earth – the fire, the nature will warm up very quickly, spring will come and bring welfare and happiness. That’s why various rites are observed to preserve fire. On the Fire Tuesday a bonfire would set atop a high hill, people would dance around that bonfire and then would light their torches from it and would hurry to their houses to start a fire. Rites, customs, ceremonies and beliefs related to the Fire Tuesday have survived till today. Nowadays, as well bonfires are set at each door, everyone gather around it, chant praising fire and play entertaining games. Everybody saying “let my illness, unhappiness burn in this flame” jump over those bonfires. There is another belief that on the Fire Tuesday everyone must be at home-fire and can’t leave their houses empty. Besides, a fiery element– a burning candle must be lit on the festival table. In Azerbaijan considered as the land of fires, fire is considered sacred today as well. Celebration of Novruz at state level, Head of State’s joining Novruz festivities, burning of bonfires adds to the distinctions of Novruz holiday even more. Another interesting thing is that Fire is an attribute of all Tuesdays in Novruz.

Happy Fire Tuesday, let your fire burn even brighter!
