+994(12) 570-09-01 office@socar-petroleum.azen|az
"Azərbaycanın böyük neft və qaz sərvətlərinə malik olması
bizim xalqımızın xoşbəxtliyidir"

Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyev

Ev Charger

“SOCAR Petroleum” CJSC is offering a new service to its customers at gas stations. Electrical vehicle or hybrid with plug-in cars owners could to charge their cars. This stations situated on Baku-Airport highway near the Sabunchu and Surakhani road-junctions. Ultra fast charging equipment can completly charge EV in 15-20 minutes. Equipment supports CHAdeMO, COMBO2, AC TYPE Mode2 standards.Our fast charging equipment can charge two cars at the same time. the technology has been provided with a double. We believe that as a result of the installation of ultra-fast charging equipment of this type in the country would increase interest in the use of electrical vehicles.
